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You Can Handle All Your HVAC Woes Easily With The Help Of This Article

In order to maintain a happy home, the last thing you want is for your HVAC system to go bad. Just thinking of it going bad on the hottest day of the year is enough to give your nightmares. It seems like this is when these systems decide to go bad. This can be prevented with good solid prevention tips that anyone can follow. Keep reading the article below.

Make sure you check the filters in your air conditioning unit. This is important because checking your filters could make the difference between inexpensive repairs and more expensive ones down the line. Try to put it into your monthly schedule so that you don't forget to check the filters regularly.

Look for shade when placing a compressor outdoors. This will limit the work that it has to do.

When purchasing a new HVAC system for your home, be sure it is energy efficient. These days, most new HVAC systems are energy efficient; there is a energy star label on the equipment. However, to be sure your utility costs do not go through the roof, choose equipment that is energy efficient.

When colder weather arrives, switch off all outdoor condenser units. Once the temperature drops into the 50s, the unit should no longer be on. This will maximize the life of your unit.

An HVAC system is a really expensive investment. This is why you should do some browsing before purchasing your system. Try to find a good sale so you can get your system at a discount. Check out a couple of sites before making a decision. A great site to begin is

Ask for references and be sure to call them as well. You are dealing with a high ticket item here, so you'll want to do your due diligence to make sure you are getting the best for your money. Ask for references, but don't stop there. Call each reference to check. A lot of people don't take that important last step.

Use plants to increase your air conditioner's effectiveness. An AC unit fully shaded by trees and shrubbery can operate up to 10 percent more efficiently. However, do keep spacing in mind. Air flow must not be constricted, and technicians need room to work when they come out to service your unit.

If you want to pay for less power use, consider installing an HVAC-specific solar panel system. Such an installation harnesses the power of the sun directly for your heating and air conditioning. Don't worry though; you can have a switch put in that automatically connects to the power grid the days there isn't enough sun.

Use plants to increase your air conditioner's effectiveness. An AC unit fully shaded by trees and shrubbery can operate up to 10 percent more efficiently. However, do keep spacing in mind. Air flow must not be constricted, and technicians need room to work when they come out to service your unit.

Clean your filters! If you have a window unit air conditioner, there will be a filter right under the grill you can vacuum. If you have a furnace or outdoor units, they will also have filters to be cleaned or replace. A dirty filter can make your unit inefficient or even let it overheat.

There is a lot to think about when you install an air conditioner unit. For example, a big unit won't remove humidity while a small unit won't cool enough. Placing it in the wrong place can make it less efficient, and not insulating your home adequately could render it almost useless.

Before you get into the hot summer months, make sure to schedule a tune up for your current HVAC system. This is very important to keep issues from popping up with your system. It's a small cost to pay compared to the large bills to fix issues that could arise.

When buying an air conditioner, you want to find out with a SEER rating of 13 or higher. 13 is the minimum standard set by the government, so higher ratings, while not mandatory, get more info are going to offer you better efficiency. SEER ratings can go as high as 19, so keep this in mind as you shop.

Always ask for references before you allow anyone to start doing work on your HVAC system. Call several of them to make sure that they are legitimate. Many people take the word of the contractor when it comes to customer satisfaction and that can prove to be a mistake in the end.

Call in a contractor to find out if you can install an air conditioner on your current forced-air system without having to install new duct work. This can save you a ton of time and money, plus it takes up less space in your walls and rooms to boot.

Look for deals on equipment. The equipment you need to update, maintain or repair your HVAC system tends to be expensive. Keep your eyes open for available coupons, store discounts and rebates on this equipment. Stock up on things you always need, like filters, when they are on sale.

Keep your evaporator coil clean. A dirty coil will cause the unit to strain when cooling air. You can clean the coil yourself easily. Simply remove the front panel to expose the coil and use a soft brush attached to a vacuum to remove any dust and debris that has accumulated on the coil.

When looking for an HVAC company, find one that is available when you need them. Reliable companies can be reached easily at any time. This includes both day and night. A prospective company should also values your resources and time. They should be able to schedule service calls at your earliest convenience.

As you are now aware, a number of things can be done well when you need to deal with home HVAC systems and the contractors that work on them. It is important that the unit is properly installed and correctly maintained. Use these tips to make sure you get the most from your HVAC unit.

'Over 150 calls just from freezing pipes': Plumbers scramble to help homeowners on Vancouver Island


Heat exterior walls where waterlines enter your home or business

Keep water movement in your pipes. A last resort can be allowing a bathtub to run overnight at a low drizzle

Insulate exterior hose taps. Hardware stores supply insulation product, or even wrap a dry cloth around the hose bib

Know where your water shutoff valves are. If you start to see flooding shut them off immediately

Even the City of Victoria was caught in a soggy position Thursday morning.

An exterior pipe burst on the Pandora Street side of City Hall early Thursday causing water to spill onto the street below, according to city officials.

Crews quickly located the broken pipe and repaired it. The city says no interior damage has been found due to the leak.

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